紀要 「発達研究 Vol.1」 1985年
性別役割の形成における家族の影響 Ⅰ
お茶の水女子大学 藤永 保
お茶の水女子大学 熊谷 真弓
群馬大学 藤崎 眞知代
amilial influences on acquisition and development of gender roles and identity Ⅰ
Ochanomizu University FUJINAGA, Tamotsu
Ochanomizu University KUMAGAI, Mayumi
Gunma University FUJISAKI, Machiyo
This is the first report of case study of a family whose parents have practiced unique pattern of child rearing aiming at acquisition of androgynous gender roles and identities for their seven children, especially for the eldest dyzygotic female and male twins. It can be called a modification of usual twin studies. To clarify the effect of such experimental child rearing pattern on the acquisition and conservation of gender roles and identities, detailed interviews about child rearing, gender roles, self-concepts, sexism, one's central beliefs etc., and a self-made questionnaire to get the degree of self-acceptance of traditional sex-stereotypes were performed to all family members. This paper reports only the results of the questionnaire study that suggest the far higher pressure to conform to traditional norms of sex-stereotypes to the females than to the males in modern Japanese culture.
Key words : gender identity, androgynous gender roles, the development of self-concept, the effect of child rearing on acquisition of gender schema, sex differences -
保育者の保育経験と保育観に関する研究 Ⅰ
群馬大学 藤崎 眞知代
お茶の水女子大学 熊谷 真弓
お茶の水女子大学 藤永 保
A Study on the Day Nursery Teachers' Views on Early Childhood Education and CareⅠ
Gunma University FUJISAKI, Machiyo
Ochanomizu University KUMAGAI, Mayumi
Ochanomizu University FUJINAGA, Tamotsu
The purpose of this study is to clarify how different opinions about the early childhood education and care the Day Nursery teachers have according to the years of caring experience. The original questionnaire was made for this purpose and performed to 173 public day nursery teachers of Nakanoku district, distributed into 5 grades of experiences. It was concluded that the motivation to this occupation and the capacity of the teachers were different according to their degree of teaching experiences. On the satisfaction with their occupation and the sex-differentiated discipline, there were not only differences by experiences but also individual differences. And many teachers pointed out that most parents became weaker and weaker in their child care abilities.
Key words : Early Childhood Education and Care, Day nursery teacher's attitude, Sex-differentiated discipline -
幼児における自己認識 ―言語を媒介とした方法でどれだけ捉えられるか?―
東京女子大学 唐澤 真弓
東京女子大学 柏木 惠子
Self concept in young children
―Methodological examination of verbal reports on self―
Tokyo Woman's Christian University KARASAWA, Mayumi
Tokyo Woman's Christian University KASHIWAGI, Keiko -
資料 自己受容測定のための文章完成法
東京女子大学 橋本 美佐
東京女子大学 柏木 惠子
A Study on Sentence Completion Test as a measure of self-acceptance in adolescents.
Tokyo Woman's Christian University HASHIMOTO, Misa
Tokyo Woman's Christian University KASHIWAGI, Keiko -
IBU四天王寺国際仏教大学 藤本 浩一
甲南女子大学 梅本 堯夫
On the drawing and understanding of projection of cube by children.
International Buddhist University FUJIMOTO, Kouichi
Konan Women's College UMEMOTO, Takao -
甲南女子大学 梅本 堯夫
京都大学 菅 眞佐子
京都大学 辻 斉
和歌山大学 菅 千索
The analyses of synchronized responses to rhythm patterns in children
Konan Women's College UMEMOTO, Takao
Kyoto University SUGA, Masako
Kyoto University TUJI, Hitoshi
Wakayama University SUGA, Sensaku -
基本カテゴリーの典型性評定の発達的検討 ―小学生、中学生、高校生の比較―
京都大学 井上 毅
京都大学 遠藤 由美
甲南女子大学 梅本 堯夫
Developmental analyses of typicality rating for basic categories
Kyoto University INOUE, Takeshi
Kyoto University ENDOU, Yumi
Konan Women's College UMEMOTO, Takao -
淡路こども園 金子 伸子
甲南女子大学 梅本 堯夫
Drawings of developmentally handicapped children
Awaji Kodomo-En KANEKO, Nobuko
Konan Women's College UMEMOTO, Takao -
問題のFormulationについて ―思考過程研究における新たなフレームワークー
東京大学 鈴木 宏明
Problem Formulation
─A New Framework for Study of Thinking─
University of Tokyo SUZUKI, Hiroaki -
Componential Analysisの方法論的問題点 ―視覚化問題研究を例としてー
東京大学 高城 薫
”Methodological constraints of componential analysis
―A review of componential literature concerning visualization task”
University of Tokyo TAKASHIRO, Kaoru
東京大学 宮下 孝広
東京大学 村山 功
Students' understanding of the mechanical nature of gas.
University of Tokyo MIYASHITA, Takahiro
University of Tokyo MURAYAMA, Isao -
Students Learning Orientation Group
東京大学教育学部 東グループ
事業の状況報告 財団事務局